
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another Sunday night

Didn't have a very good day today.  But it will be better tomorrow.  It's all relative, right?  I needed to wash my good comforter and it was too big for the washing machine.  Water all over the laundry room floor.  Everything I sewed wasn't right and had to rip it out.

But something I did do today turned out far.  I love love LOVE Laura Calder on the Cooking Channel.  I love the background music; I love how she talks~~SO French!!  Her show is French Food at Home.  She makes it look so easy.  Anyway, I made one of her items tonight for dessert...Chaussons aux Pommes...basically sauted apples in puff pastry.  SO yummy~~Here's the recipe

No stash change to report today.  But it's day 50 with no-fabric purchase.  Yeah and boo.

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