
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Night + Stash report

Dinner is over, dishes are done.  I'm sitting watching the Golden Globes. 
I love Ricky Gervais.  Funny and dashing.  He's so irreverent. 

I spent the day cutting up my Christmas fabric into 10" squares.  I've always liked the quilts made with the Twister tool.  They have not paid me...just giving you the link.  So...that's what I did today.

Went to Sit and Sew last night and started Block 5 of my Civil War BOM.  All those HSTs are driving me nuts. 

Here's some pictures of my Christmas fabric piles.  I'll finish cutting them up tomorrow. My stash report is

Used this Week: 6 yards
Used year to Date: 6 yards

Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 0 yards
Net Used for 2012: 6 yards

Have a good evening.  Please leave a comment.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love Ricky Gervais too! As far as I'm concerned he's the only reason to watch the Golden Globes.

Lovely Christmas fabrics. They will make a beautiful quilt!