
Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Got braces today...for the 2nd time in my life.  Wow...I remember the discomfort...the first time was 35 yrs ago.  They came off in July, 1977~~one month before my daughter was born.  Eating dinner was painful; chose food that was not soft enough.  Tomorrow will be soup! 

At least my mouth pain will take my mind off my back pain!!  :)

And it's hot here...108o today.  Yuck.  POOL!

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1 comment:

Kate said...

Ouch! Braces are painful. My orthodontist recommended that right after I get them tightened to chew sugarless gum, making sure to chew it all around my mouth. It worked like a charm and usually the next day I could tell where I missed chewing!

Stay cool.