
Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Major Milestone - Sylvia's Bridal Sampler

I have just reached a major milestone in my Sylvia's Bridal Sampler quilt.  I started it on April 16, 2009 with a large group of ladies.  We were to do a random block every week.  The "cheerleader" sent us an e-mail with which block to make and tips to make it.  The e-mails stopped in February, 2012. Several have finished; most haven't. 

There are 140 blocks, finished to 6" each.  I have completed 100 blocks; 40 left to do.  Anyway~~~~~~
I am so excited I can hardly stand it.  It really is pretty.  My husband usually just says "that's nice".  But tonight he said "Wow...that's really pretty.  Very nice."  All of it is scraps except for the sashing, cornerstones (pink) and the back~~it will be plain muslin. 
Please leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

New Post

Last night I went to my local quilt guild meeting and got a gentle nudge from someone that reminded me that I hadn't blogged for awhile.

So while listening to the debates, I will write!

My trip to Texas was good.  I saw my friend and members of her family~~her son from Atlanta was there on business and stayed to see us, and her daughter with her 2 small twins came for dinner~~, played bridge, with my old bridge group, did NOT go to the steak restaurant I referenced, and had a good time with my daughter.  We went to La Madelaine for lunch twice...caesar salad, tomato basil soup, and strawberries Romanov.  When I lived there, the strawberries Romanov were served in a lovely big wine glass. they're just plopped in a dish.  But the soup tasted the same and so did the salad.  This is the ONLY time I eat tomato soup.  This is the bestest!  Sorry Campbell's.

We had dinner with another friend of mine and her significant other and she gave me a LOVELY bracelet from Tiffany.  She knows how much I love blue, but I still don't know why she did this for me.  I did accept it graciously, but wow!

I haven't done any sewing since I've been back.  Just not in the mood.  But I'm still working on Sylvia's Bridal Sampler (I have only 40 more blocks to make and then put the damn thing quilt together) and while in Texas I did some work on the big star quilt from the previous postings. 

I have to get my butt in gear and get moving on these projects.  I'm tired of looking at them!